Extemporaneously Kate
Everything by the seat of my pants!
My parents are getting old and so are my ovaries.
Anyhow, when I walked into her house, I realized that it didn't smell the same way it did when I was younger and lived there. I'm super sensitive to smells. I stood in the kitchen for a moment with her bag of meds in my hand and it occurred to me that she was getting old. My step-father was getting old. My father was getting old. My mom's house smelled like a grandma's house. The pills I was holding was starting to look like a grandma size arsenal of medications.
Then I realized that the house smelled the way it did because my brother and I weren't there anymore. I felt sad.
But then I felt perplexed. Does this mean that the clock is ticking for me to make babies?! I mean, the stage is set. Those folks are ready for grandchildren. I'm not getting any younger, that's for sure but I'm wondering when choosing to not have children goes from a smart move to a selfish one. I am pretty terrified of having children though I do get all warm and fuzzy inside when someone has a baby or a small child. Of course that feeling turns to stone cold gtfo of my face when said baby/child starts crying/whining/being a brat.
I'm 28. Both my parents are dancing around 60. My husband just turned 35 yesterday. The numbers sometimes overwhelm me when I think of how much time I have, or don't have, when it comes to my womanly duty of raising children. I seriously don't think its a woman's obligation to pop out spawn but it seems like everyone wants this but me.
Having children would keep my parents young but make me older than I'm ready to be.
Comments (6)
January 13, 2011 at 8:48 PM
I don't have any answers for these questions (honestly who does? lol) but I'm sure your family will support whatever decision you make :)
January 13, 2011 at 8:55 PM
This seems like quite the conundrum; but don't panic! These sort of things are different for everyone, and the time will come when you're ready. And that's when it'll be the right time.
HorussJanuary 13, 2011 at 9:39 PM
wow cant see what people are writing for comments!
UnknownJanuary 13, 2011 at 10:18 PM
I find myself asking the same kinds of questions lately too.
HSPJanuary 13, 2011 at 11:06 PM
I'm sure if you want children, you'll have them when you're ready for them (not that you want them I guess, lol). Giving into the pressures of ~*society*~ probably isn't a good idea anyway.
January 13, 2011 at 11:45 PM
I think the common ages for marriage and children are going up, or at least it seems so, so you shouldn't feel overwhelmed. Take your time c: