Extemporaneously Kate
Everything by the seat of my pants!
Posted by Kate on 1:14 PM
This is a test post!
Go go gadget finals!
Posted by Kate on 5:25 PM
Two down and one more to go tomorrow. And then....GRADUATION. Even though it's just my associate's degrees, i'm still pretty excited. After that, its as much math as my puny brain can handle. mmmMMmmmmm Math. Tastes good.
I'm also excited today because my brother-in-law is dropping his dog off at our house for a month or so. That dog is freaking cute and it will be fun to have another dog running around with ro-ro muffins. Apparently Baxter is resisting house training so we're going to give it a shot and hopefully their dog will learn something about where to eliminate from our dog. At least that's the plan.
I actually picked up a hook today and did some crochet. I'm making another toast purse. But a bigger one. I think I might actually make a toast afghan. Like a big one with real big fluffy stiches and then i'll make a pillow that looks like a butter pat. Tres cute.
I'm also excited today because my brother-in-law is dropping his dog off at our house for a month or so. That dog is freaking cute and it will be fun to have another dog running around with ro-ro muffins. Apparently Baxter is resisting house training so we're going to give it a shot and hopefully their dog will learn something about where to eliminate from our dog. At least that's the plan.
I actually picked up a hook today and did some crochet. I'm making another toast purse. But a bigger one. I think I might actually make a toast afghan. Like a big one with real big fluffy stiches and then i'll make a pillow that looks like a butter pat. Tres cute.
And now for a classic entry from my old live journal.
Posted by Kate on 2:34 PM
I saw this picture in my photobucket. It was kind of interesting so i thought I would share it with you.

I know what you're thinking. you're thinking, "EEEWWWW!!! MAN-FAYE!!!" well, that's if you're an anime fan. if not ,i'm sure the "ewwww!" will suffice. But if you're not apalled, here's something else.

Yeah. Yeah!!! and then like, this one dude was like, "show me your boobs!" so man-faye is like, "alright!"

suddenly, unbenounced to Mrs. Orange, Mr. Orange finds her in the arms of.....ANOTHER BANANA!!! dun dun DUN!!!

"what the fuck, ho!?" he seems to say.
From the bathroom, a random clown says, "NOOOO! Don't do it!!!!!"

But Random-Con-Guy goes Super Sayan anyway!

Run!!! RUN, cast of Tesseract, that one film that chris never finished (;_;) RUN FROM SUPER SAYAN RANDOM-CON-GUY!!!!

And through all this chaos, Princess Leia pokes her head out of the control room and says, "If you don't shut the *bleep* up, i'm gonna turn this mother *bleeping* secret base right around and there will be no battle on hoth today!!!"

and as we all know, Leia means business.
Somehow, she angers god. Probably because she yelled at Random-Clown. So God sends down his only begotten pork-eating cake monster to purge the unbelievers! And to kill the shit out of Princess leia.

Which pisses off star wars con people. And they were mad.

Really mad.

Milla Jovovich says, "OMG!!"

God responds with his only begotten Huge-assed-armageddon-meteor that squishes most of california, and blows up man kind.

Leaving only santa, and his mad bitches.

and like, some gum.

And this is the story of how me and your mom met.

the end.

I know what you're thinking. you're thinking, "EEEWWWW!!! MAN-FAYE!!!" well, that's if you're an anime fan. if not ,i'm sure the "ewwww!" will suffice. But if you're not apalled, here's something else.

Yeah. Yeah!!! and then like, this one dude was like, "show me your boobs!" so man-faye is like, "alright!"

suddenly, unbenounced to Mrs. Orange, Mr. Orange finds her in the arms of.....ANOTHER BANANA!!! dun dun DUN!!!

"what the fuck, ho!?" he seems to say.
From the bathroom, a random clown says, "NOOOO! Don't do it!!!!!"

But Random-Con-Guy goes Super Sayan anyway!

Run!!! RUN, cast of Tesseract, that one film that chris never finished (;_;) RUN FROM SUPER SAYAN RANDOM-CON-GUY!!!!

And through all this chaos, Princess Leia pokes her head out of the control room and says, "If you don't shut the *bleep* up, i'm gonna turn this mother *bleeping* secret base right around and there will be no battle on hoth today!!!"

and as we all know, Leia means business.
Somehow, she angers god. Probably because she yelled at Random-Clown. So God sends down his only begotten pork-eating cake monster to purge the unbelievers! And to kill the shit out of Princess leia.

Which pisses off star wars con people. And they were mad.

Really mad.

Milla Jovovich says, "OMG!!"

God responds with his only begotten Huge-assed-armageddon-meteor that squishes most of california, and blows up man kind.

Leaving only santa, and his mad bitches.

and like, some gum.

And this is the story of how me and your mom met.

the end.
i'm not giving you my phone number, google!
Posted by Kate on 6:15 PM
So quit asking.
Oh hey everybody. Bet you think I died. Bet you think I drowned in a vat of mayonnaise and yarn while trying to recite my highschool alma mater. wtf is wrong with you? o_O I did nothing of the sort. I did have a wacky dream about that but there is no way in hell you could have known. ...or could you?
Sorry, my mind is officially fried by stress and finals preparation. I'm assuming that it isn't an isolated event and many people within 15 years of my age are suffering similar cases of "brain dumb." I think I may have advanced brain dumb though. I'm not even in "summer mode" where my body glues itself to my computer chair for marathon Minecraft/netflix/crochet time. I'm thinking and looking forward to summer session classes. ^___^ Trig and astronomy then precal. awwww yeeeaaaahhh. And then calculus 1-3. Then finally my upper division math classes. The road to mathematical greatness is paved with stupid prerequisite classes.
Sometimes I think i'm much too old to be battling it out in college. Fuck it. I've got this.
Other news, i'm not sure if we're going to be at market days at all this spring. I've taken a crochet hiatus for the moment and I have nothing new to add to our booth. Just scarves and beanies right now. Not good south texas items. This summer will prove to be prolific. I will crochet like a fiend to try and use up a bit of my yarn stash. Plus, I have a ren-faire costume that needs starting as well as finishing. I will be attempting to blind innocent bystanders at Scarborough Faire sometime this summer in a belly dancing type outfit. muahahaaaHAHAHAAaHAHAaAAahhh godIneedtoloseweight.
which is another thing on my summer of awesomeness 2011 list of shit i'm going to do. Bump up my workouts! i've already lost about fifteen lbs by cutting out shitty stuff and moving more. fuck yeah. I think I can actually jog again with out killing myself so that's going to happen now. What am I waiting for, you ask? FINALS, god dammit! They need to be gone before I can enjoy anything. I plan on being in the best shape of my life when I get to 30 next year. Did I say 30? I meant 25....
Oh hey everybody. Bet you think I died. Bet you think I drowned in a vat of mayonnaise and yarn while trying to recite my highschool alma mater. wtf is wrong with you? o_O I did nothing of the sort. I did have a wacky dream about that but there is no way in hell you could have known. ...or could you?
Sorry, my mind is officially fried by stress and finals preparation. I'm assuming that it isn't an isolated event and many people within 15 years of my age are suffering similar cases of "brain dumb." I think I may have advanced brain dumb though. I'm not even in "summer mode" where my body glues itself to my computer chair for marathon Minecraft/netflix/crochet time. I'm thinking and looking forward to summer session classes. ^___^ Trig and astronomy then precal. awwww yeeeaaaahhh. And then calculus 1-3. Then finally my upper division math classes. The road to mathematical greatness is paved with stupid prerequisite classes.
Sometimes I think i'm much too old to be battling it out in college. Fuck it. I've got this.
Other news, i'm not sure if we're going to be at market days at all this spring. I've taken a crochet hiatus for the moment and I have nothing new to add to our booth. Just scarves and beanies right now. Not good south texas items. This summer will prove to be prolific. I will crochet like a fiend to try and use up a bit of my yarn stash. Plus, I have a ren-faire costume that needs starting as well as finishing. I will be attempting to blind innocent bystanders at Scarborough Faire sometime this summer in a belly dancing type outfit. muahahaaaHAHAHAAaHAHAaAAahhh godIneedtoloseweight.
which is another thing on my summer of awesomeness 2011 list of shit i'm going to do. Bump up my workouts! i've already lost about fifteen lbs by cutting out shitty stuff and moving more. fuck yeah. I think I can actually jog again with out killing myself so that's going to happen now. What am I waiting for, you ask? FINALS, god dammit! They need to be gone before I can enjoy anything. I plan on being in the best shape of my life when I get to 30 next year. Did I say 30? I meant 25....